10th Newsletter
Click and read the 10th Newsletter of the Tolerant Project, which provides updated information on what is happening in Europe in the area of integration and economic empowerment of women…
Click and read the 10th Newsletter of the Tolerant Project, which provides updated information on what is happening in Europe in the area of integration and economic empowerment of women…
Click and read the 9th Newsletter of the Tolerant Project, which provides updated information on what is happening in Europe in the area of integration and economic empowerment of women…
Click and read the 7th Newsletter of the Tolerant Project, which provides updated information on what is happening in Europe in the area of integration and economic empowerment of women…
Click and read the 6th Newsletter of the Tolerant Project, which provides updated information on what is happening in Europe in the area of integration and economic empowerment of women…
Click and read the 5th Newsletter of the Tolerant Project, which is devoted to the direct work with victims of trafficking.
The TOLERANT Project (TransnatiOnaL network for Employment integRAtion of womeN vicTims of trafficking) partners invite you to the Final Conference of the project, within the thematic context of labour market…
The challenges, risks and opportunities in employment integration and support to third country national (TCN) women victims of trafficking (VoT), especially in light of the COVID-19 crisis, were discussed during…